Filter Media Rolls

If your company manufactures pleated Air Filters you will need Laminated Media, and Cardboard Die Cut filter frames. Our most popular media rolls are Merv 8, 11, 13, polyester with a synthetic blend of laminated and expanded metal backing for extra strength, and Merv 10 Carbon media rolls.

We can make any size roll width; our rolls come standard at 900ft long.

Laminated Filter Media by size and Merv rating

Model #Actual Size:PriceMerv
LMR-8-M88 in, x 900 ft.$90.00MERV 8
LMR-9.75-M89.75 in, x 900 ft.$109.69MERV 8
LMR-11.75-M811.75 in, x 900 ft.$132.19MERV 8
LMR-13-M813in, x 900ft.$146.25MERV 8
LMR-13.75-M813.75 in, x 900 ft.$154.69MERV 8
LMR-15.75-M815.75 in, x 900 ft.$177.19MERV 8
LMR-15-M815 in, x 900 ft.$168.75MERV 8
LMR-17.75-M817.75 in, x 900 ft.$199.69MERV 8
LMR-19-M819 in, x 900 ft.$213.75MERV 8
LMR-19.75-M819.75 in, x 900 ft.$222.19MERV 8
LMR-20-M820in, x 900ft.$225.00MERV 8
LMR-20.75-M820.75 in, x 900 ft.$233.44MERV 8
LMR-21-M821 in, x 900 ft.$236.25MERV 8
LMR-21.75-M821.75 in, x 900 ft.$244.69MERV 8
LMR-23-M823 in, x 900 ft.$258.75MERV 8
LMR-23.75-M823.75 in, x 900 ft.$267.19MERV 8
LMR-24.75-M824.75 in, x 900 ft.$278.44MERV 8
LMR-25.5-M825.5 in, x 900 ft.$286.88MERV 8
LMR-26.25-M826.25in, x 900ft.$295.31MERV 8
LMR-29.75-M829.75 in, x 900 ft.$334.69MERV 8
Model #Actual Size:PriceMerv
LMR-8-M118in, x 900ft.$144.00MERV 11
LMR-9.75-M119.75in, x 900ft.$175.50MERV 11
LMR-11.75-M1111.75 in, x 900 ft.$211.50MERV 11
LMR-13.75-M1113.75 in, x 900 ft.$247.50MERV 11
LMR-15.75-M1115.75 in, x 900 ft.$283.50MERV 11
LMR-17.75-M1117.75 in, x 900 ft.$319.50MERV 11
LMR-19-M1119 in, x 900 ft.$342.00MERV 11
LMR-19.75-M1119.75 in, x 900 ft.$355.50MERV 11
LMR-20-M1120in, x 900ft.$360.00MERV 11
LMR-20.75-M1120.75in, x 900ft.$373.50MERV 11
LMR-21-M1121 in, x 900 ft.$378.00MERV 11
LMR-23.75-M1123.75 in, x 900 ft.$427.50MERV 11
LMR-24.75-M1124.75 in, x 900 ft.$445.50MERV 11
LMR-25.5-M1125.5 in, x 900 ft.$459.00MERV 11
LMR-26.25-M1126.25in, x 900ft.$472.50MERV 11
LMR-29.75-M1129.75 in, x 900 ft.$535.50MERV 11
Model #Actual Size:PriceMerv
LMR-8-M138in, x 900ft.$168.00MERV 13
LMR-9.75-M139.75in, x 900ft.$204.75MERV 13
LMR-11.75-M1311.75in, x 900ft.$246.75MERV 13
LMR-13.75-M1313.75 in, x 900 ft.$288.75MERV 13
LMR-15.75-M1315.75 in, x 900 ft.$330.75MERV 13
LMR-17.75-M1317.75 in, x 900 ft.$372.75MERV 13
LMR-19-M1319 in, x 900 ft.$399.00MERV 13
LMR-19.75-M1319.75 in, x 900 ft.$414.75MERV 13
LMR-20-M1320in, x 900ft.$420.00MERV 13
LMR-20.75-M1320.75in, x 900ft.$435.75MERV 13
LMR-21-M1321 in, x 900 ft.$441.00MERV 13
LMR-21.75-M1321.75in, x 900ft.$456.75MERV 13
LMR-23.75-M1323.75 in, x 900 ft.$498.75MERV 13
LMR-24.75-M1324.75 in, x 900 ft.$519.75MERV 13
LMR-25.5-M1325.5 in, x 900 ft.$535.50MERV 13
LMR-26.25-M1326.25in, x 900ft.$551.25MERV 13
LMR-29.75-M1329.75 in, x 900 ft.$624.75MERV 13
Model #Actual Size:PriceMerv
LMR-19.75-CO19.75 in, x 900 ft.$474.00Carbon
LMR-23.75-CO23.75 in, x 900 ft.$570.00Carbon
LMR-24.75-CO24.75 in, x 900 ft.$594.00Carbon
LMR-29.75-CO29.75 in, x 900 ft.$714.00Carbon
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